
How Much Does a Thermostat Replacement Cost?

Thermostats are handy for keeping our homes at a constant temperature throughout the year.  The main purpose of a thermostat is to switch an electric circuit (connected to the heating system) on or off.  Long gone are the days when you had to use a fireplace to keep warm or open the windows to stay cool!

Even though they may seem like simple devices that attach to a wall, thermostats can be expensive. There are also several different kinds, all with different price tags. In this article, we’ll help you figure out the thermostat replacement cost. So if you need a new thermostat, read on!


One of the simplest thermostats on the market today is the non-programmable thermostat.  It functions by moving a needle to the left to increase the temperature and right to decrease it.  These are common in older homes, but less so these days due to them containing mercury.  If you’re looking for a bare-bones option that doesn’t cost much, a non-programmable thermostat may be a good choice.  They provide a no-frills way of setting the temperature anytime you please and are fairly easy to install as well.  The thermostat replacement cost for this type is generally between $15-$30.

Non-Programmable Electronic

A more up-to-date variation of the non-programmable thermostat is the electronic one.  The thermostat replacement cost is a little bit higher at $20-$40. However, it offers more features than the previous one does not.  For instance, electronic thermostats feature a digital display. This makes it much easier to figure out what the exact temperature is and what you would like to set it to.  You still have to adjust the temperature manually, as well as turning the device on and off. So, while it is an improvement on the traditional thermostat, it’s still fairly basic.

Electronic Programmable

Electronic programmable thermostats allow you to set the temperature for different times during the day or week. This way, heat will automatically adjust according to your preference. If you find your house is cold in the mornings, you can program it to warm the house before you get out of bed. It will then switch itself off or lower the temperature automatically. Up until a decade ago, the electronic programmable thermostat was the most advanced type that you could buy. Its price used to reflect that, too. However, since the invention of smart thermostats, the thermostat replacement cost for electronic programmable thermostats has dropped. They now cost anywhere between $20-$150 depending on the features you choose.  Features can include touch screens, illumination in the dark, and so forth.

Smart Programmable

This is the most expensive option, with a thermostat replacement cost of between $200-$400. The smart programmable thermostat is the be-all and end-all of thermostats currently on the market. There are so many features it would take an entire article to list them all! They offer the ability to manage the temperature remotely through Wi-Fi, using smartphone apps for example. They also offer automatic temperature changes depending on your preferences. Some can even change the temperature by specific rooms. An added bonus is that homeowners can save upwards of 15% per year in heating and cooling costs by using a smart thermostat.  So even though they’re expensive, you can recoup the upfront costs within a matter of years.

So, is it worth installing a thermostat on your own to save costs, or should you go with a professional instead?  There are two main reasons why you should consider a professional.

Understanding Features

Back when thermostats were analog, they were fairly simple for anyone to install. Today’s technologically advanced thermostats are a completely different story.  If the thermostat is not installed correctly, it could mean spending hours trying to figure out how to get it to work.  Many of the newer models have advanced wiring that goes with all the fancy features. If one is not familiar with the process, it might be better to leave it to a professional. 

A company such as Patterson Plumbing can install thermostats quickly and easily. We can also show you how to use it, and how to get the most out of your new gadget. It can be a hassle not only to install the thermostat but also understanding all of the features. Especially for smart programmable thermostats!  If you hire a professional, they can teach you how to use it right on the spot.

Better Efficiency

Calling a professional ahead of time is a great option to consider when buying a new thermostat.  They can help you decide which model best suits your needs and would be most effective in your home. It makes it easier than having to sift through the various models, trying to figure out which one to buy. For example, certain kinds of thermostats may not be compatible with some gas or electric central air systems. The only way of knowing for sure is to get a professional involved. They’ll be familiar with the various systems and which thermostats are best for each one.

There may also be features that you haven’t even considered that would be useful to have in a thermostat. A professional will be able to talk you through the available features to help you make a decision. Not only that, but they can help you find the right thermostat that will lead to better heating and cooling efficiency in your home. What is also great about hiring a professional is that they can do a comprehensive inspection of your home. This will allow them to find ways to lower your energy costs further and save you more money at the end of the day.

Of course, it is more expensive to hire a professional to install your thermostat instead of installing it yourself. However, the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages. You will have greater peace of mind knowing that it was installed properly. You’ll also know how to best use it effectively to save you more money as the years go by.  Save yourself the time and frustration and go with a professional when thinking about getting a new thermostat.

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